Best Matrimony Portal in Rajasthan
Bar Byoli Matrimony ( is one of the Best Matrimony Portal available in Rajasthan and has several Rajasthani profiles of working professionals who are located in Rajasthan or belong to Rajasthan. With few simple steps you can register your profile on the Bar Byoli Matrimony to find your matching life partner or search your soulmate from Rajasthan.
Bar Byoli Matrimony also has android app on Google Play Store which gives free points to like profiles and request users to upload photos. You can download the mobile app from Google Play Store (link is given below).
How it works?
There are mainly three steps -
Go to the Registration page on Bar Byoli Matrimony website - or download the Bar Byoli Matrimony app ( ) and Go to the registration screen as shown below and fill all details and click on Register button.
After registration complete your profile and then Go to search page and search matching profiles based on your preferences.
You will see profiles ranking high based on your preferences first, click to open each profiles to see more details.
There are several matrimonial profiles from Rajasthan from different professions like doctors, engineers etc you can chose preferences as per your interests and contact all matching profiles.
If you are searching from Bride or Groom from Rajasthan we suggest you inlcude that in your life partner preferences when commpleting your profile on Bar Byoli Matrimony. When you update your preferences correctly you will see all the matching profiles from Rajasthan first and then you can contact them to discuss further if you like any profiles.
Contact customer service for any issues or help.
You can contact the Bar Byoli Matrimony customer helpline on below details to get more information or if you need any help on the website or mobile app. The customer service is helpline is available every day from 08:00 AM to 07:00 PM.
Customer service details
Contact number - 9403891553
Email -
WhatsApp - 9403891553